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can和could情态动词第一篇:can和could情态动词英语语法教学微课教案(情态动词can和could)一、Teaching Content: Topic:Unit 5 Can you play the guitar? Grammar。




一、Teaching Content: Topic:Unit 5 Can you play the guitar? Grammar:Using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability

二、Teaching Aims: 1.Use can talk about the ability at present. 2.Use could talk about ability in the past.

三、Teaching Key and Difficult Points: How to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past.

四、Teaching Methods: Task-Based Language Teaching Method

五、Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Warming up

Task 1: Revision T: What can you do now? S1: I can sing. S2: I can draw S3: I can dance. T: Can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess? Ss:Yes , I can. / No, I can’t.

Task 2: Playing a game T: Now let us play a game. Five students come to the front and perform for to my instructions.and gestures.The others answer my questions. T : What can she do? Ss : She can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/ play football / play chess . T: Can she swim/ fly a kite/play football /play chess. Ss: Yes ,She can? No, she can’t. T: Say the whole sentences: eg: A can ride a bike. He can’t / cannot swim. Step 2: Presentation T: Can you ride a bike now? S1:Yes. I can T:Could you ride a bike five years ago ?

Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t ( Help him answer) S1:Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t. T: we can use “could” t talk about the past

.e.g I can play computer now .But, last year I couldn’t play. T: Could you row a boat last year? S1:Yes I could . No, I couldn’t.

T: Could she he row a boat last year?( Ask other students) Ss: Yes she he could . No she he couldn’t T:Yes , A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldn’t swim five years ago.

the class according (Teach the students to say the whole sentences): A could ride a bike five years ago. He couldn’t swim five years ago.) (Ask other students in the same ways) Step 3: Practice :work in pairs T: Ask your partner more questions eg: Could he / she …?

(Yes, he / she could. / No, he / she couldn’t.) ... Step 4: Production Task 3: Explanation T: Let’s work out the rule.

① 肯定句式: can could

② 否定句式: can’t couldn’t

③ 疑问句式: Can „?Could „?

T: We can use “am (is , are) able to “ instead of “can”,and “was (were) able to “ instead of “could“.

eg.①Mike can sing more than 20 English songs.

Mike is able to …

②She could speak English when she was four. She was able to…

T: Please give more examples.to practice them. Step 5: Summary T:In this class, we have learnt the use of can and could about talking about abilities .Who knows the differences between “can” and “could” Step 6: Homework Finish off the practice on the workbooks ,Fill in the blank with can/could


教学的方式要以教学的任务和内容、学生的年龄特点和心理需求,灵活多变地加以应用。小学生容易注意力不集中,为了引起学生的注意力并激发学生的学习积极性,在教学情态动词can 的时候,教师画出下列简笔画:

我边画简笔画边说: I can do a lot of things. What can I do? Do you want to know. Let me tell you. I can play table tennis.(画出第一幅图示并鼓励学生说出动词短语:play table tennis) . I can play the piano.(画出第二幅图示并鼓励学生说出动词短语play the piano). I can stand on my head.(画出第三幅图示并鼓励学生说出动词短语stand on my head). 然后我叫了五位学生,让他们做动作来告诉大家。我又问:What can he /she do? 让他们说出:I can…….引出另外五个短语:play football, swim, roller blade, ski,ride a horse.接着让学生根椐学过的动词短语用句型Ican ….I cannot….个自写出自己会做的事情和不会做的事情. 然后让学生利用句型:What can I do? Can you…? Yes, I can.或No I can’t. 互猜彼此会做的事情和不会做的事情。这样可以让学生所学语言产生兴趣,从而激发学生的学习欲望调动学生的学习积极性。










一、can 与could用法对比表

对比点 can could

1、表“能力” Can you lift this heavy box? I couldn’t understand what he said at all.

2、表“许可” You can use a different material instead. He said I could borrow his bike.

3、“怀疑” No, no, it can’t be true.

What on earth can this mean? We thought the story could not be true. How could you be so careless?

4、can与be able to 区别 1. could代替 can,表示语气更为婉转。

Eg. Could I use your bike? Yes, you can.

2. can (能够)=be able to(仅表能力时),但be able to 表示一番努力后,才能做得到,且有更多的时态。

He was a good swimmer, so he __________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.

A. could B. might C. shall D. was able to

二、may与 might用法对比表

对比点 may Might

1.表“询问” May I „?(=Can I „?) Might I „?(=Could I„?)(但比用may 更客气) 1

2.表“允许” You may take the boy there. He told me he might come .(might 与told相呼应)

3.表“可能”“或许” She may nor like this place. I’m afraid he might not like this play.

注: 1. May I„?的答语。


May you succeed !

3.may (might)用于目的状语从句中 肯定:Yes, you may.

否定:No, you mustn’t 不行(语气强硬)

No, you may not 或No, you’d better not.

The emperor gave them some gold in order that they might begin their work at once.

三、must与have to的用法对比表

对比点 must have to

1.表“必须” (主观看法)必须;没有过去式,可用于间接引语中。He told me I must do according to what he said. (客观需要)不得不,有多种时态。It’s raining heavily, we can’t go now.

2.疑问句 Must I „?

Yes, you must.(一定)

No, you needn’t./ you don’t have to.(不必) Do you have to go today?

Yes, we do.

否定句:You don’t have to worry about that.


对比点 need dare



2)疑问式 He need not (needn’t)go.

----Need we do it again?

---No, you needn’t do it again. He dare not say so. 2

Dare she go out alone at night?

How dare you say I’m unfair?

If he dare do that, he’ll be punished.(条件句)

I dare say.(固定用法)




3)疑问式 He needs to go.

He doesn’t (does not)need to go.

Does he need to do it again?

No, he doesn’t need ot do it again. He dares to say.

He does not(doesn’t)dare to say.

If you dare to jump into the water from here, so dare I .

3. did not need to do

表示过去没有必要做 She didn’t need to attend the meeting yesterday, and she stayed with her children.(她没有参加)

五、should与ought to用法对比表

对比点 should ought to

1、表“应该” 表劝告、建议

You should listen to the doctor’s advice.

We should learn from Zhang Hua 表示“有责任有必要”做某事

You ought to finish your work before you go home.

We ought to help each other.


They should get home by now. 表示“非常可能”的事,可译为“总应该”

If we start to work right now, we ought to finish it before lunch.(午饭前应当能干完)

注: 1)、should还可在虚拟语气中的使用

2). 注意:ought to的疑问式及否定式

----Ought he to go? ----Yes, I think he ought to.

No, he oughtn’t to.

否定式:ought not to a或oughtn’t to do(不说ought to not do)

反疑问句:oughtn’t ______?


shall Will

1. 征询对方意见或请求指示,用于第


Shall I (we)„?

Shall he (she)„? Where shall I (we)wait for you? 1. 询问对方的意思或向对方提出要求:

Will you(please)„? Won’t you„?

Would you like to„?(用would替代will更客气)

----Won’t you go and see the film?你不去看电影吗?---Yes, I think I will. 不, 我想去。

2. 表示说话人的“意愿”有“命令”“警告”“强制”“允诺”“决心”等,用于第


You shall do what I tell you ( to do).


Everything shall be done to save the ship.

一定要竭尽全力来拯救这艘船。 表示“意志”“意愿”,用于各种人称:

I won’t do anything you don’t like.



Shylock would not take the money earlier.


七:used to与would用法对比表

used to would


I used to play cards a lot, but now I seldom play. 4

My hometown is not what it used to be. 1.只表示过去动作的重复,有明确的时间状语

I would go to see my grandfather on Sunday when he was in the middle school.

2.would 后只接表动作的动词,不接表认识或状态动词

He used to be nervous in the exam.


When we were very young, we used to / would go skating every winter.

2. 表示过去的次数时,不能使用:

( √)We went to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

( X ) We used to go / would go to the Great Wall five times when we were young.

注:used to do的否定式:usedn’t to do 或didn’t use to do (usedn’t也可写作usen’t)

疑问式: Did you use to do ? Didn’t you use to do?

Used you to do? Usedn’t you to do?



1、大多数情态动词(除表‘能力、许可、意志’外),都可以表示推测,其程度有差异。按其可能性程度的高低排列为: Must ﹥will ﹥would ﹥ought to ﹥ should ﹥ can ﹥ could﹥ may ﹥ might

肯定 完全可能 很可能 可能 有可能


may not或许不、可能不 might not可能不 can’t 不可能

mustn’t不许、禁止 shouldn’t不应该 needn’t 不必


S主+情态动词+be+adj 对“性质”“特征”的推测

S主+情态动词+be+n 对“职业”“事物”的推测

S主+情态动词+V原 对经常性行为的推测

S主+情态动词+be+V-ing 对进行着的行为的推测

S主+情态动词+have+PP 对过去的行为的推测


1、 can只能用于否定句和疑问句

2、 must只能用于肯定句(它的否定句和疑问句其实就用can来代替了)

3、 如句中有情态动词 + 完成时,定是对过去的推测 。

4、 句中如有表示不肯定的话语,如:I am not sure; I don’t know 之类,常选may /might的各种形式

4. 记住下面几组表示反劝的特殊的表推测的形式

1). could + have + PP表示本来能做到,但事实上没有做到。 He could have finished the task on time, but the heavy snow came.

2). couldn’t +have + PP表示本来不能做到,但已经做到了。 She could not have covered the whole distance, but in fact she arrived ahead of time.

3) needn’t + have + pp表示本不必做的,但已经做到了。 She needn’t have attended the meeting yesterday, but she did.

4.) should/ought to +have + PP表示 该做而没有做 The plant is dead. I should/ought to have given ot more water.

5) shouldn’t/ oughtn’t to +have + PP表示 不该做而做了。 You oughtn’t to / shouldn’t have taken her bike without permission.

5. 记住下面对比:


1.must + have + PP 表示对过去肯定的推测,译为“一定是,准是” The road is wet. It must have rained yesterday.

2.can + have + PP 表示对过去的推测(限于问句中) Can she have said so? 他可能这样说吗?

3.can’t + have + PP 表示对过去的否定推测 He cannot have said such a foolish thing.


情态动词表推测的反意疑问句,简单来说,就是以情态动词后的时态为淮,如句子里有明确的时间状语,则以其为准。以 must 为例:

eg. 1. You must be hungry now, aren’t you?

2. He must be watching TV , isn’t he ?

3 Tom must have lived her for a long time, hasn’t he ?

4. She must have arrived yesterday, didn’t she?

注:如选择题中(以She must have arrived yesterday, didn’t she?为例)既有didn’t she又有hasn’t she则以didn’t she?为最佳答案




She can drive, but she can’t ride a bike.

A computer can’t think for itself.(不会思考)


The noise outside has stopped , now I can get down to my study.

--Can I use your telephone? --Yes, of course, you can.

You can go out to play when you do away with your homework.


The climate of East China can be pretty cold in winter.

Jogging can be harmful for the health.

Even experienced teachers can make mistakes.

London could be rather cold in summer while I stayed there.


I’ll do the cooking, and you can do the washing.(请你去洗衣服)

You can go now.


Can he be working till so late?

Who can it be at this time of day?

Can it be Tom? No, it can’t be Tom.

He is busy these days, so he can’t come today.

can 与be able to 的区别:

The fire spread through the hotel very quickly, but everyone was able to get out.(强调设法干成某事)



Shall I shut the window? Yes, please.

Shall she go to the concert with us this evening?

Shall they come in?

Shall we go out for a walk?

⑫用于二三人称 ,表示命令,允诺,警告,威胁,强制

①You shall go to the front at once.(命令)

②Don’t worry .You shall get the answer this afternoon.(允诺)

③I promise she shall get a nice present on her birthday. (允诺)

④He shall be punished. 威胁

⑤You shall listen to me. (命令)

⑥The interest(利益利润)shall be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides. (命令法规)

⑦It has been announced that candidates(候选人) shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.(表按规定)



I must keep my word.

You must get up much earlier.

⑫不必needn’t/don’t have to

--Must I wash the dishes at once?

-- No, you needn’t./don’t have to.

⑬mustn’t 禁止,不许

You mustn’t play with the knife.

Cars mustn’t be parked here.

--May I use your pen?

--No, you mustn’t


Everyone must die.


Our there-year-old boy must do the opposite to what we ordered.

Just when I was busy, the neighbor must come and chat.

Why must you be so stubborn(倔强的)?

If you must know, I’m going to help him look for an apartment.

4. should

⑪ 应该

You should apologize to him.

We should attend the meeting.

⑫ (表预期)按理会…, 想必会…,一定会…

The concert should be great fun.

The photos should be ready by 12:00.

The old man is always hunting the lions, so terrible things should happen to him. ⑬ (表惊讶,遗憾)竟然居然

I’m glad that your story should speak in such a way.

I wonder that a person like him should make such a mistake.

It’s a pity that he should resign.

⑭ (用于条件状语从句中)一旦,万一

If she should know the truth, she would be depressed.

If you should change your mind, let us know.

Ask him to call me up if you should see him.

⑮ (用于lest, for fear that, in case引导的句子)以免,唯恐

She gave me a list just in case I should forget what to buy.

He ran away lest he should be caught.

He gets up early for fear that he should miss it.

5. would


When I was a child, I would often go skiing.

We would stay up all night talking about our future.

Every morninghe would go for a walk.

When he was here, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work everyday. 区别used to do sth过去常常

I use to be a waiter, but now a taxi driver.

There used to be a cinema here before the war.

Our country isn’t what it used to be.


That’s exactly like Susie. She would come to me just when I was busy.


I told him not to go, but he would not listen.(可他偏不听)

③ (用于if 从句)愿意乐意

If you would go there instead of me, I should be very glad.


You could win if you would try要是你愿意尝试, 你会赢的

④ (用于否定句中,主语一般是事物,表某事物暂时的特性)就是不能 That window wouldn’t open.

That morning my car wouldn’t start.

When I called on him this morning, his dog wouldn’t let me in.

The door won’t open.

The car won’t start.

The doctor knows I won’t be operated on.

⑤ (表示推测)大概,大约

That would be his father .那大概设他父亲。

You would be about 10 years old then.你那时大概10岁。

It would be about ten when they left.

I thought she would have told you about it.


①may well do sth =be very likely to do sth(很可能,完全能)

may as well do sth = had better do sth

② would like to have done

= would love to have done

= was/were to have done(本来想做…,本来打算做…)

③ had better have done sth(当时已做了…就好了)

④ must have done sth(肯定干过某事)

⑤ can have done sth可能已干过…

can’t have done sth不可能干过…,肯定没干过…

⑥could have done sth本来能够干 …,可能已干过…

⑦ may /might have done sth也许已经干过…,

⑧should have done sth

=ought to have done sth本来应该干…

⑨needn’t have done sth本不必做…

⑩would rather have done sth宁愿干过…

would rather not have done sth宁愿没干过…


1.A left –luggage office is a place where bags ____ be left for a short time , especially at a railway station.

A shouldB canC must D will

2.How ___ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?

A canB mustC needD may

3.--There’s no light on.

--they ___ be at home.

A can’tB mustn’tC needn’tD shouldn’t

4.Some aspects of a pilots job ___ be boring ,and pilots often ___ work at in convenient hours.

A can, have toB may, canC have to, mayD ought to, must

5.He didn’t agree with me at first, but I ____ persuade him to sign the agreement later.

A couldB mightC ought to Dwas able to

6.If I ____ plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and…

A wouldB couldC had toD ought to

7.The World Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Walt because it ___ be very slow.

A shouldB mustC will D can.

8.—Is Jack on duty today?

--It ___ be him. It’s his turn tomorrow.

A can’tB mustn’tC needn’tD won’t

9.I____ have been more than six years old when the accident happened.

A couldn’tB mustn’tC needn’tD shouldn’t

10.—I have taken someone else’s green sweater by mistake.

--It ___ Harry’s. He always wears green.

A has toB will beC must beD could be

11.You ____ be tired , you have only been working for an hour.

A can’tB mustn’tC may notD won’t

12.—Do you know where David is ?I couldn’t find him anywhere.

-- Well, he ___ have gone far. His coat is still here.

A can’tB mustn’tC may notD won’t

13.—Can I pay the bill by check?

-- Sorry, sir. But it is the payment shall be made in cash.

A shallB mustC will D can.

14.—Could I have a word with you, mum?

-- Oh, dear, if you ____.

A shouldB mustC may D can.

15.Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter ___ go and do the opposite.

A shouldB mustC may D can.

16.—Who is the girl standing over there?

--Well, if you ___ know, her name is Mabel.

A shallB mustC may D can.

17.John, look at the time.___ you play the piano at such a late hour?

A NeedB MustC May D Can.

18._____ you need any help, you can phone me at the office.

A WouldB ShouldC CouldD Had

19.—I’m afraid I will be too busy to go with you.

--Well, I’ll keep a seat for you in case you ___ change your mind.

A shouldB mayC will D can.

20.If anything __ happen to me, please give this letter to my head teacher.

A couldB mustC wouldD should

21.There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ____ a sudden loud noise.

A being thereB should there beC there wasD there having been

22.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

-- They ___ be ready by 12:00.

A shouldB mightC need D can.

23.It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack ___ be here at any moment.

A shouldB mustC need D can.


1-5 ___________________2-10___________________11-15_________________



1.Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they___ just be quiet people.

A.must B.may C.should D.would

2.—Why____you be talking so loudly while others are studying?

–--I am terribly sorry.A.shall B.must C.will D.may

3.—Where will you start your work after graduation?

—Um,it’s not been decided yet.I_____continue my study for a higher degree.

A.must B.need C.would D.might

4.--___it be Tom that stole the manager’s mobile phone?

---No,as far as I know,Tom is very honest.A.May B.Can C.Must D.Should

5.Traffic safety is so important that everyone___take safety measures too seriously.

A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.cannot D.won’t

6.Peter____be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.

A.shall B.should C.can D.must

7.You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman_____be so rude to a lady.

A.might B.need C.should D.would

8.---The work will take me another week.I’m really tired.

—I think you___ as well go to ask an experienced worker for some advice. A.may B.can C.need D.must

9.—That must be a mistake.

—No,it_____a mistake.A.must not beB.needn’t be C.cannot be D.would not be

10.He was a good runner so he__ escape from the police. A.might B.succeeded to C.would D.was able to

11.A dog ran in front of my mother’s car and she___ stop very quickly.

A.ought to B.had better C.must D.had to

12.I didn’t hear the phone.I____asleep.A.must be B.should be C.must have been D.should have been

13.---I saw Mr Sun at Tongyu Station this morning.

—You____.He’s still on holiday in Hawaii.

A.couldn’t have B.mustn’t have C.shouldn’t D.needn’t

14.--What has happened to George?

—I don’t know.He____lost.

A.can have got B.may have got C.might get D.could get

15.Many people___to his home as he keeps a big dog.

A.not dare go B.dare not go C.not dare to go D.dare not to go

16.I don’t think he could have done so much homework last night,____?

A.do I B.could he C.has he D.did he

17.You ___late for yesterday’s class meeting,as it was so important.

A.couldn’t be B.shouldn’ t beC.mustn’t have been D.oughtn’t to have been

18.—The Chinese athletes did extremely well in the Olympics.

—Yes,they____well,or they____ such great achievement.

A.must have been trained;couldn’t have gotB.must have trained;could have got

C.must have been trained;mustn’t have gotD.should have trained;couldn’t have got

19.As you know,although there are no classes on weekends now,no students___go out of the schoolwithout the headteacher’s permission.A.will B.must C.may D.shall

20.Many women___ a good salary,but they chose to stay at home for the family.

A.must make B.must have made C.should make D.could have made

21.—Why hasn’t Mr.Green showed up at the meeting yet?

—I’m not sure,but he___ in a traffic jam driving here.

A.could be caughtB.might be caughtC.might have been caught D.must have caught
