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writing如何写建议信第一篇:writing如何写建议信How to Write a Personal Statement 如何写PS(推荐)How to Write a Personal StatementbyUNM Prof. El。



How to Write a Personal Statement 如何写PS(推荐)

How to Write a Personal Statement


UNM Prof. Elizabeth Archuleta

Through a personal statement, you introduce yourself to the university; it reflects your personality and intellect. It is important that you read each question carefully and make every effort to understand and respond to it with well-considered responses and in a persuasive enough manner to hold the reader’s interest.

1. Understand and Explain Yourself

One of the main problems when writing is that applicants fail to take a thorough and analytical look at themselves and their objectives. Admission committee members are looking for interesting, insightful, revealing, and non-generic essays that suggest you have successfully gone through a process of careful reflection and self-examination. 2. Set Yourself Apart

Committees are looking for something PERSONAL and ANALYTICAL. This means sharing information you rarely share with others and assessing your life more critically than usual. This approach is key to a successful personal statement. Exercise: In order to begin writing your personal statement – your story—you’ll need to answer some basic questions to prepare yourself. Questions:  What is special, unique, distinctive, or impressive about you or your life story? What details of your life (personal or family problems/ history, any genuinely notable accomplishments, people or events that have shaped you or influenced your goals) might help the committee better understand you or help set you apart from other applicants? When did you originally become interested in this field and what have you since learned about it—and about yourself—that has further stimulated your interest and reinforced your conviction that you are well suited to this field? This does not mean that you should write, ―Why I want to be a lawyer.‖ Instead, tell what insights you have gained from certain experiences that reinforce your decision to go to law school How have you learned about this field—through classes, readings, seminars, work or other experiences, internships, or conversations with people already in the field. If work experiences have consumed significant periods of time during your college years, what have you learned (leadership or managerial skills, for example), and how has the work contributed to your personal growth? What are your career goals? Are there any gaps or discrepancies in your academic record that you should explain (great grades and mediocre LSAT scores, for example, or a distinct improvement in you GRA if it was only average in the beginning? Have you had to overcome any unusual obstacles or hardships (e.g., economic, familial, physical) in your life?

What personal characteristic (integrity, compassion, persistence, for example) do you possess that would enhance your prospects for success in the field or profession? Is there a way to demonstrate or document that you have these characteristics? What skills (leadership, communicative, analytical, for example) do you possess? Why might you be a stronger candidate for graduate school—and more successful and effective in the profession or field—than other applicants? What are the most compelling reasons you can give for the admissions committee to be interested in you?

Tell a Story

Be truthful and stick to the facts; yet, think of your personal statement in the terms of writing a story. You want to write something that is fresh, lively, and different, to put yourself ahead of the other applicants. A personal statement MUST be MEMORABLE. One of the worst things you can do with your personal statement is to bore the admissions committee, yet that is exactly what most applicants do. Review your life very carefully (get help from family or friends if necessary) for facets or experiences that reveal an unusual dimension related to your professional goals or that could serve as evidence of your suitability for being a lawyer. Find an Angle

If you are like most people, your life story might well lack significant drama, so figuring out a way to make it interesting becomes the big challenge. Finding an angle is vital. Brainstorm for ideas that emphasize your exceptional qualities, goals, past performances. Concentrate on Your Opening Paragraph

Keep in mind when composing your statement that the lead or OPENING PARAGRAPH IS generally the MOST IMPORTANT. Here you either GRAB the readers attention or lose it. If you are telling a story you will use this first paragraph to introduce the elements most relevant to that story—and the ones that will hold greatest interest for the reader. Tell Who You Are

The committee needs to get a sense of who you are, what makes you tick, and how you are different from other applicants. They should be interested in you, eager to hear more, impressed that what you are saying to them is not what they have read a thousand times before. Sometimes a personal statement can be perfectly well written in terms of language and grammar, but disastrous in lacking punch or impact and in being totally off the mark concerning what it chooses to present about the applicant. Remember, what is most important about your personal statement is what you say and how you say it! Be selective about what you tell the admissions committee. What you choose to say in your statement is, again, very much a reflection of you, because it shows the committee what your priorities are, what you consider to be important. The personal statement is often an indication, too, of your judgment, so be careful and give a great deal of thought to what you write. Think about yourself, your background, and your experiences and abilities to develop a strategy. Other Things To Consider

Determine what you would tell an admission committee member if you had five minutes to answer the question ―What is most important for us to know about you?‖ This exercise will force you to do the type of thinking that must precede the preparation of an effective personal statement.  Do not make the mistake of trying to guess what the admissions committee is looking for, and do not just write what you think the committee wants to hear. Such ploys are highly obvious to admissions people and can be detrimental to your cause. Be selective. Don’t introduce inappropriate material or get into so much detail that your judgment can be called into question. Try to maintain a positive and upbeat tone. Overall, you want to project confidence and enthusiasm. Be specific when appropriate and use details. Adhere to stated word limits. Do not give them reason to toss your application packet Be meticulous (type and proof read your essay carefully and have others read it too). If a school wants to know why you are applying to it rather than another school, do a bit of research if necessary to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs. If the school setting would provide an important geographical or cultural change for you, this might be a factor to mention. Are you providing something more than a recitation of information available elsewhere in the application? Do not repeat information that you have already included in other documents. Are you avoiding obvious clichés? For example, a medical school applicant who writes that he is good at science and wants to help other people is not exactly expressing an original thought.


第二篇:How to Write a Movie Review(教你怎么写英文影评)

How to Write a Movie Review

Writing a movie review is a great way of expressing your opinion of a movie. The purpose of most movie reviews is to help the reader in determining whether they want to watch, rent or buy the movie. The review should give enough details about the movie that the reader can make an informed decision, without giving anyway any essentials such as the plot or any surprises. Below are our guidelines and tips for writing a good movie review.

Submit your movie review

1. Watch the movie

The first step in writing the review is to watch the movie. Watch the movie in a relaxed environment you are familiar with. You do not want to be distracted by an unfamiliar room. Watching the movie a second time will help you absorb a lot more detail about the movie. Most movie reviewers take notes as they watch the movie review.

2. Give your opinion

Most movie reviewers will give their opinion of the movie. This is important as

the reviewer can express the elements of the movie they enjoyed or disliked.

However, as in all good journalism, the reviewer should also give impartial details, and allow the reader to make their own mind over an issue the reader liked or disliked. Opinions should be explained to allow the reader to determine whether they would agree with your opinion .

Many regular movie reviewers will develop a following. If one can find a reviewer who shares a similar taste in films, one can confidently follow the reviewers recommendations.

3. Who is your audience?

You need to consider who your likely readers are. Writing a movie review for children requires a different approach than if writing for a movie club. Ensure you report on the factors that matter to your likely audience.

4. Give an outline

Give the outline of the movie, but dont give away essential details such as the end or any surprises. If there is a big surprise you want to entice readers by telling them something special happens, just dont say what.

5. Actors (演员)

If the movie contains actors, as most do, detail who is starring in the movie and how well you think they acted.

6. Structure

Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it get you thinking like a Quentin Tarantino movie?

7.Cinematography and lighting (电影艺术和灯光效果)

Give details about how well the movie was shot and directed. Was the lighting good in the moody scenes?

8. Music

Did the movie have its own score like Koyaanisqatsi (失衡生活)or ET, or did it feature songs from popular artists?

9. Read, read and read

Read and check your review thoroughly. It can be embarrassing to find errors in your work after it has been published. This is especially important for reviews that will be published on the Internet, as search engines are always looking for the correct spellings of key words.

Submit your movie review


侏罗纪公园3英文影评 Jurassic Park III(2001

"Jurassic Park III" is neither as dreadful as it might be, nor as perfectly wrought as it could be. For one thing, it moves along as jauntily as one of those horrific raptors scooting along the plain; the movie wraps itself up so quickly, and after such a relatively low-key climax, that you can barely believe its over. It runs about 90 minutes, and thats sweet relief. You can get your fix of dino effects (most of which are starting to look pretty familiar anyway, after the original "Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World: Jurassic Park"), with a few good jokes and interesting performances thrown in, and be on your way.

One of the best things about "Jurassic Park III" is that it brings back Sam Neill, who starred in the original, and hes a distinctly human and humane presence. As the movie opens, we see Neills adventuresome paleontologist, Dr. Alan Grant, playing with the toddler of his former collaborator Dr. Ellie Satler (Laura Dern, in a nicely played cameo), who has settled down with an earnest, unexciting husband and is quietly raising their two kids. Neill plays the scene

beautifully: Hes half puzzled by the idea that anybody would want to settle down to a life like this, and half wistfully jealous that its just not for him.

He has no desire to see any more live dinosaurs up close and personal. Nonetheless, he and his young assistant Billy (Alessandro Nivola) are reluctantly roped into an adventure expedition to Isla Sorna (the "Site II" from "The Lost World," where the prehistoric horrors were bred in a flagrant expression of human arrogance), by Amanda and Paul Kirby (Téa Leoni and William H. Macy), a rich couple hankering for danger.

Of course, they have another motive. But the bare-bones plot, from a script written by Peter Buchman, Alexander Payne (writer and director of "Election" and "Citizen Ruth") and Jim Taylor (who co-wrote those pictures with Payne), is probably the last reason anybody would go to see it. What most of us want are dinosaurs, and there are just the right number of those here, from a flock of fierce pterodactyl-like pteranodons with mischievously knowing eyes, to the dreaded raptors (who always look to me as if they should be dangling old-lady pocketbooks from their disproportionately smallish, curled-over front claws). Although its probably still too intense for very small children, "Jurassic Park III" features a blessed minimum of torso chewing. The worst part is watching one of the raptors use a giant toenail to puncture the spine of a minor character played by Michael Jeter -- hes too fine an actor to meet such a ignominious end. Another saving grace of "Jurassic Park III" is that it captures some of the wonder from the first picture. Director Joe Johnston ("Honey, I Shrunk the Kids,""Jumanji") is much more

low-key than his predecessor Steven Spielberg, who directed the first two pictures in the series. Thankfully, hes out to set us rambling and bumping on a scary-funny amusement park ride; he doesnt hammer on the whiskery old theme of man-playing-God, nor does he seem to take much pleasure in the requisite bloody chomping, even though he of course has to include some of it. And he offers us one extraordinary panorama that looks as if it had been lifted straight out of those softly colored educational picture books of the 50s and 60s, a group of peaceful

vegetarian apatosauruses against a purply pink Maxfield Parrish sky on the banks of a canal, chomping placidly on the plants they so love to eat. Dr. Grant and his group view the scene as they pass by it on a barge, and Neill plays the moment perfectly, like a man deep in love. Its as if a sight like this could make up for any number of dreadful dinosaur encounters.

The other actors here are just as game. As Eric, a kid whos been stranded on the island, Trevor Morgan shows the kind of appealing resourcefulness thats always fun for kids to watch. Macy is more than serviceable in a throwaway role: He manages to give his cowardly-lion character a great deal of charm and comic texture. Leoni does the best she can with her

character, but theres not much to work with: She doesnt get a chance to use her best gift, a flair for snappy, screwball-comedy timing that sparkled in her short-lived TV show "The Naked Truth."

Even so, Payne, Buchman and Taylor give us plenty of little things to laugh at along the way: Dr. Grant and Eric have a pleasingly tossed-off exchange as Grant incredulously holds up a bottle of T. Rex pee that Eric has collected. "How did you get this?" he demands. "You dont wanna know," Eric deadpans ruefully. There are a few moments in the picture that are streaked with a sense of terror, scenes where you think the absolute worst is going to happen. But it never quite does. Theres a surprisingly delicate touch at work in "Jurassic Park III," and the movie is marbled through with strands of acerbic wit. You might think that a filmmakers going to that much trouble in a "Jurassic Park" picture is like casting pearls before swine. What chance do pearls have under the feet of prehistoric giants? Miraculously, they survive the trampling intact, and theyre what you remember long after the last mighty footstep resonates.


首先我们读一读题目内容及要求。 你即将小学毕业,离开学校。请留下你对母校的美好祝愿,留下你对母校工作的建议。 到母校的各个地方走一走,看看还有哪些不如意的事情;回忆一下近年来的学校生活,找一找学校领导、老师没有想到或者还没有做好的事情;也可以与其他班级的同学谈一谈,了解他们对学校工作的意见。然后从中挑选一两件重要的事情,想一想应该怎样解决,给母校的校长或老师写封信,在信中提出自己的建议。要把自己的想法写清楚,表达出自己的真情实感。 下面讲一讲怎样写好建议书。 建议书是提出做某些有意义事情的具体的意见。这次作文训练的目的,一是复习建议书的写法;二是要我们关爱母校、留心观察母校的各方面的工作,做学校的小主人参与学校工作。临毕业前,给母校提出建议,使母校办得越来越好。 要想写好建议书,一是要在调[1][2][3]

下节课是数学。老师讲完课,兴致勃勃地说:“同学们,今天下午没课,我们又快考试了,今天作业多留一点吧!”哟!又多留,留多少啊!我心里想。数学老师利落地在黑板上写道:练习十五至十九所有的题都重做一遍。我的心凉了半截,五个练习所有的题呀!尽管如此,我还是宽慰自己,没事,不就五个练习吗?我不打羽毛球了,跳猴皮筋吗,也可以删掉了。这样我估计那本爱看的课外书还可以看上几页,《红楼梦》电视剧吗,总是可以欣赏到了。第三节上地理课,老师阴沉着脸走上讲台,一开始就训了我们班一顿。坏了,事情不妙,老师该采取惩罚的措施了。果然,老师留了一大堆作业,尽管在他留作业的时候,我心里默默地叨念着,但愿作业之神少光临地理老师的大脑吧,让作业少留点,再少点……但这祈祷哪管用啊!还是留下画地图、填图、解答书后问题,留了一大堆作业。听完了这一大堆作业,我一下子就泄了气,哎,哪有空玩呀,我的计划纯属妄想。 亲爱的老师们,您知道您每位多留点,加在我们身上就背不动啦!好不容易盼到放学,又增加了英语作业和写发言稿的任务,那发言稿是观摩中队会上用的。我是中队委,想推是推不掉的。 在回家的路上,我觉得书包是那么沉,脚步是那么重,什么蓝天呀,白云呀,绿树啊,红花啊,我都没心思看了,我被作业压得透不过气来呀! 别了,我那可爱的小天地。别了,诱人的课外书。别了,迷了千家万户的《红楼梦》。别了,那一个应该属于我们的、宝贵的下午啊! 班主任老师,听了我这番话,您是否也觉得我们够苦的了,请您向诸位老师呼吁一下,协调着留作业,不要自己教一门,留作业时只想到自己这一科目。谢谢老师。 您班的中队委王明 2010.3.30建议书 校领导们: 您们好!当我们跨入小学的大门时,就意味着我们一天大部分的时间,就要在这所美丽的校园里度过。由于教育改革,我们有了充分的课余时间。在这段时间里同学们可以尽情地嬉戏玩耍。这就出现了一个问题:怎样才能进一步丰富同学们的课余生活? 家长望子成龙,望女成凤。喜欢把同学们送进这个(学习)班,那个(学习)班,让我们多掌握一些知识、本领,以致于长大后能在五彩缤纷的社会上立足。我觉得家长用心良苦,但有些做法却不然。曾几何时,有个家长非让孩子学弹钢琴,还不惜重金聘请了高级教师进行教学。谁知,那个孩子却死活不愿学钢琴,矛盾激化后,那个孩子竟把手指砍了下来!这都是因为那个家长太武断。不该以为是家长,就可以支配孩子学这个,学那个。我认为,应该由同学们自己,根据自己的正当爱好来充分丰富我们的课余生活。 我校应继续进一步开展兴趣小组活动,把爱好相似的同学组织起来。建议开设如下项目: 1.科技小组。众所周知,“科技是第一生产力”这句话充分地指出了科技的力量。我校有许多爱动手、爱动脑的小科技迷。他们虽然没有做出什么突出的成绩,但他们还是用执着的目光利用学习的知识,发现着、制作着一些新奇、有趣而又富有创造力的小制作。如果能组织起这些小科技迷,不但能丰富他们的知识,也能为学校争得荣誉。2.生物小组。我们学校有许多爱养小动物和喜爱养花等植物的同学。他们对动植物特别是自己养的动、植物都情有独钟。对自己养的动植物的特点也都有了非常深刻的了解。如果把那些同学组织成为生物小组,就能使他们对生物有更直接、更深入的了解。

「 1」 「 2」 「 3」

3.广播电视小组。我认为红领巾电视台既然是我们开播的,就应该由我们同学自己来管理。编辑、访问、摄像、后期处理全部在老师的指导下由我们同学自理。总编为大队宣传委员,副总编由每个年级组选出;摄像、后期处理的同学则要由电教老师培训半年才可上任;记者由每班自选两名文笔、口才都比较好的同学来担当;主持由同学们自己报名参加。这样不但能把红领巾电视台搞“活”,也能锻炼同学们的心理素质和责任心。 以上建议,希望大家支持并积极响应。 杜蕊 2010.4.1 写好建议书,给家长谈一谈,家长帮助孩子修改一下,一看提出的建议是否恰当、二看格式是否正确、三看内容是否写得具体、清楚,四看是否有真情实感










第1章 项目概述 ..........

11.1项目名称 ................ 1

1.2项目承建单位 ................1.3项目概况 .............

1.3.1项目工程范围 ..........

1.3.2投资估算 ..............

1.4 编制依据 ............

1.5结论和建议 ...........

第2章 项目背景 ..........

42.1项目建设背景 ................

2.2国外智能公共交通系统发展 ...........

2.3上海市公交信息化现状及发展趋势 ............

2.4本工程与已有业务系统的关系 .........

2.4.1与上海市交通运输和港口管理局信息平台的关系 ........

2.4.2与其他公交运营系统的网络拓扑关系 ...........

第3章 项目的必要性和可行性 ........... 1

23.1项目的必要性 ................

3.1.1 推进上海市智能公共交通管理 ..........

3.1.2响应国家公共交通优先发展战略 ........

3.1.3坚持“以人为本,公交优先”,为百姓服务 .....

3.1.4倡导“低碳、绿色”交通的需要 ........

3.1.5践行上海市综合交通中长期发展规划,建设“和谐城市” .......3.2项目的可行性 ................

3.2.1政府各部门重视,公众支持,交通管理者和交通参与者欢迎 .....

3.2.2发展规划的引导,提出了发展方向 ......

3.2.3已建运行工程为本项目实施积累了经验 .........

3.2.4综合交通信息化发展,为项目实施提供了保障 ..........

3.2.5工程实施的保障 ...............

第4章 功能定位及需求分析 ............. 17

4.1项目定位 .............

4.2 枢纽站布局及规模 ...........

4.3 需求分析 ............

4.3.1场站安全监控需求 .............

4.3.2车辆客流信息采集需求 .........

4.3.3智能化调度需求 ...............

4.3.4信息发布需求 ..........

第5章 项目技术方案 ............ 2

55.1设计原则和总体目标 ..........

5.1.1设计原则 ..............

5.1.2总体目标 ..............

5.2 视频监控系统技术方案 ..............

5.2.1系统概述 ..............

5.2.2视频信号的传输 ...............

5.2.3摄像机的布置 ..........

5.3公交信息发布系统技术方案 ...........

5.3.1系统概述 ..............

5.3.2调度屏 ................

5.3.3信息发布屏 ............

5.3.4站内广播系统 ..........

5.3.5公交智能查询系统 .............

5.4公交信息采集与调度系统技术方案 ............

5.4.1系统概述 ..............

5.4.2系统功能 ..............

5.4.3车辆自动识别子系统 ...........

5.5网络及通信技术方案 ..........

5.5.1系统组成 ..............

5.5.2无线调度系统 ..........

5.6接口预留及界面划分 ..........

5.5.1接口预留 ..............

5.5.2机房建设和施工界面划分 ..............

5.7主要设施的技术经济指标 .............

第6章 项目实施进度和组织安排 ......... 3

46.1项目建设周期 ................

6.2工程进度安排 ................

6.3 项目管理及实施保障 ................

6.3.1项目组织管理 ..........

6.3.2保障措施 ..............

第7章 环保、消防、职业安全卫生和节能 ........ 36

7.1环境保护 .............

7.2消防 .................

7.3职业安全卫生 ................

7.4节能 .................

第8章 项目风险及控制措施 ............. 39

8.1 外部风险及控制措施 ................

8.2 内部风险及控制措施 ................

8.3 长期运行风险及控制措施 ............

第9章 总投资估算和资金来源 ........... 42

9.1估算编制依据及说明 ..........

9.1.1编制范围 ..............

9.1.2编制依据 ..............

9.1.3编制说明 ..............

9.2 总投资估算 ..........

9.2.1总投入资金的组成 .............

9.2.3资金筹措计划 ..........

第10章 经济效益和社会效益 ............ 46

10.1项目经济效益 ...............

10.1.1直接经济效益 ................10.1.2间接经济效益 ................10.2项目社会效益 ...............


首先我们读一读题目内容及要求。 你即将小学毕业,离开学校。请留下你对母校的美好祝愿,留下你对母校工作的建议。




体的意见。这次作文训练的目的,一是复习建议书的写法;二是要我们关爱母校、留心观察母校的各方面的工作,做学校的小主人参与学校工作。临毕业前,给母校提出建议,使母校办得越来越好。 要想写好建议书,一是要在调查了解的基础上,抓住需要解决的问题来写;二是要写清楚建议的具体内容和提出建议的原因;三是要注意建议书的格式。 建议书的格式是怎样的呢?





4.结尾。要表示建议者的希望,一般要用带有很强的鼓动性的语句写出。不写敬祝的语言。 5.署名和日期。在结尾的下一行后半行写清建议者的名称及提建议的日期。 总之,要想把建议书写好,选择要提什么建议是十分重要的,这就需要留心观察、细心调查才会有一定的收效。另外对选好的建议,其具体内容要讲清楚。使人真正明白其目的所在,真正使建议书在学校中产生一定的作用。 建议书

敬爱的李老师: 您好!有些话当面不好讲,借着写信向您诉诉我的苦。现在我如果对别人说,我苦呀,真苦呀,您准会指着我的小鼻子,笑着说:“小小年纪知道什么是苦?”



儿。可谁知道下课前老师留下了那么多作业,除了改卷子,把错的地方各写十遍,还留了下一课的生字一字写两行。课后问题好好一一预习。留完作业,老师潇洒地合上讲义夹子轻快地走出教室。我看着手中的作业,由于喜劲儿未消,心里说,没关系,作业多点,抓点紧,大不了不睡午觉了。 教你如何写建议书 相关文章:农业综合机械化项目建议书环保建议书关于环保的建议书小学生环保建议书校园环保建议书“情系绿色”校园环保倡议书公路建设项目建议书一位小学生写给市长的环保建议书查看更多>> 建议书
